DevOps Almanac is officially open for business! I’m super excited to launch this website and to meet new IT professionals and recruitment agents to help you learn new IT technologies.
This means you can register with a basic plan and start learning right now, or join me as an IT Professional member so we can connect via Slack and learn together.
You can explore all the reasons to become a DevOps Almanac member, but most notable ones are:
- key topics are already researched and documented, meaning you have a starting point and don’t have to randomly search online
- you can suggest a topic and I’ll fairly quickly research it and add summary of my findings to the DevOps Almanac website
- I’m gladly provide pointers and technical guidance if you’re struggling with a particular topic or technology
Sign up to the DevOps Alamanac page on LinkedIn or DevOps Almanac Twitter, and I’ll talk to you soon!
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